The party was over. The dj was announcing the last of the door prizes and I was loading up the props. On my way down the hotel corridor I passed a dashing young man in a rapidly accelerating state of dishevelment standing just outside the ballroom. He talked on a cell phone while being swarmed by an elegant and very agile young woman wearing a feverishly pink ball gown.
"Hi, mom? Yeah, it looks like the gala's going to run really late tonight and... nono, you go ahead and lock up for the night. I can crash at a buddy's place..."
There are those who believe that lying is never acceptable under any circumstances, and I respect that. If I hadn't believed in the concept of greater good before last night, though, I feel confident that I would now.
Oh Mercy!
2 days ago
i like greater good.
I'm confused!
Some things, Mom doesn't need to know.
Ok I think its totally acceptable to lie...its a fact and I think everyone does there..!!..Thanks for glad Ive found a place to ponder the greater good..!
Ahhh, the imminent sex lie. I remember those...
Thanks for the thumbs-up, BTW!
At this point, I'm just hoping my offspring can get a date. Seriously re-thinking the all-boy's school idea. College prep or not.
You are my favoritest found blog of the new year, by the way.
Haha! That's brilliant!
mom is sometimes the last one to find out. But she ALWAYS finds out sooner or later.
mom is sometimes the last one to find out. But she ALWAYS finds out sooner or later.
That boy could only hope to have you as a mom.... *snigger* I know that's not what you wanted to hear dear, but you know it's true!
There are many excellent reasons for lying, like not causing offence, not having your brand-new affair strangled at birth, getting away with raiding the stationery cupboard etc. To say you should never lie under any circumstances is both absurd and impractical.
And I'm the most considerate, tidy, intelligent, handsome guy ever. Honest.
Yep I understand this young man. I have one son who would say this and another who would tell there was a girl involved and he wouldn't be home as result!
I guess there are some things that mom need not know... I subscribed to this when I was young-er, but now that I'm a mom, well...
Hahahaha... ah, yes... I remember those heady days! But how can one person swarm? ;)
Hi TT, Thanks for stopping by my place and saying hi! It brought me here and, may I say, you've a great place here.
Love the post. I'm quite sure 3 decades ago I played the role of the girl...feverish, but not dressed in pink.
That was some mighty fine writing. I must now go to read further!
I'm so glad I'm over the teen-age-need-to-lie-to-parents (actually, never really did, alot) stage!
Thank for stopping by my blog!
Some things a mother doesn't need to know. (Although if it were my son, assuming he was old enough, I'd be happy for him.)
That was interesting to read, it is fascinating to watch and hear people telling lies.
Thanks for visiting Secret Story Time!
Yep - some lies just make everything easier. Glad he was talking to his mom and not his wife, though - funny how differently I (for one) would judge that same lie if it were being told to a different person...
If only Mom knew the truth ...
She'd be horrified!
some things you just might not want to know
deception.........the cornerstone of growing up...hehehe
This was why I had a GPS on my youngest's phone.
I wonder if my other 2 kids ever pulled that one?
Hello back to you!! Alberta too huh? We should complain about the weather together sometime :) I love finding good new blogs to follow, thanks for commenting so I was able to find yours :)
There are some things you just don't tell your mom.
Great post! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I'm confused at the greater good part...but the lie part? I got that one.
As someone said something your mother doesn;t need to know for her own good!
Kate xx
Did you shake your finger at him and tell him to use a condom, I hope?
Is Cynthia real? If so, I'm delighted, my cat is also weird (1 inch front legs so he walks like an escalator). I'm so flattered that a blog celebrity like you stopped by.
White lies in exchange for a good time...totally worth it.
Oh what a seet, sweet boy to call his mom.
Oh I know I wouldn't want to know some things. This would be one of those things.
I don't want to hear everything.
I don't want my mom to know everything! :)
Same thing from generation to generation...
Loved your Aztec calendar comment on my blog!I think the one you're talking about is Inca. Thanks for stopping by!
So when my 17 year old calls me tomorrow night to tell me he's decided to "sleep over".......I should question just exactly he's sleeping over with?
I hate teenagers. lol
And that young man's name? Randy Thistledick...
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