Few things are as under appreciated as ordinary days, aside from perhaps youth and health. And arch support. Good insoles, people - always a worthwhile investment.
Look around any emergency waiting room on any given day. There isn't a person in there that wouldn't rather be doing the dishes, fighting traffic, or standing out in the rain in their pajamas while the dog squeezes out that last precious drop of pee that just couldn't possibly wait until morning, despite the fact that they'd just asked the belligerent beast if he'd wanted to go out not five minutes before they'd started getting ready for bed. Ordinariness like that takes on all the romance of first loves and childhood Christmases when lost to circumstances we would give anything not to be a part of.
On ordinary days the alarm goes off and we inwardly complain about having to get up. Actually, those of us who don't have children in the house complain very outwardly, and with a surprising creativity considering the earliness of the hour. It's amid these obscene assaults on the day that we neglect to appreciate just low lucky we are to have beds too comfortable to want to leave. It probably wasn't very difficult to pry our ancestors away from their vermin riddled bags of straw in the morning at all.
On ordinary days we yell at the jerk ahead of us for holding up traffic. What kind of valium popping zombie goes 105 in a 110 kph zone, anyway?
Well, what kind of bipedal ape travels faster than a caffeinated cheetah? Apparently one incapable of appreciating that once it's already going 101 kph faster than it can walk, sacrificing 5 kph of velocity probably isn't going to lose the day unless there's a row of shiny red lights on top of their vehicle and a person hooked up to life support in the back.
You're not Batman. The freedom of the first world is not dependent on your getting first pick of the donuts in the break room. Chill out, boy wonder.
On ordinary days we get upset when we don't get our way, sad when people fail to show us consideration, and frustrated with each other when things stop being easy. We forget that the small effort it takes to love one another unconditionally always pays off generously. We only remember when we're sitting in that waiting room, unwilling to re-imagine our lives without somebody we love in them, and wishing we were with that somebody, helping them to do the dishes. Without complaining.
On ordinary days nothing goes perfectly and most things work out just fine. The little details of displeasure that we allow to become the focus of ordinary days disappear from our memories when things really do go wrong. It's only when normalcy is lost that we appreciate what a fine arrangement normalcy was.
On ordinary days the sun rises, birds sing, and everybody pursues their own idea of happiness the best way they know how. Let's cut ourselves and each other some slack. Let's have a nice day.
After all, insoles are always on sale somewhere.
Rare Winter Storm System About to Hit...
10 hours ago
Excellent post. And a most important point that I can't seem to keep in my head for as long as I should. And I am always surprised at how the big, life-shattering events come at the most ordinary of times. I hope the inspiration was not found too close to home.
I should remember this, although I'll probably forget it as soon as my alarm goes off tomorrow. Thanks for saying it, and saying it in a way that made me smile.
You said a mouthful of truth here....
It's only when normalcy is lost that we appreciate what a fine arrangement normalcy was.
Brava! And thanks for reminding me!
Wishing you a Sunday of blessed normalcy!
Wonderfully observed, and very true. A good post to read having finally dragged myself out of bed this Sunday morning.
my dreams are shattered...that i am not batman. loved this one...i am not normal, but normaly i like that.
Your post couldn't have come at a better time; I was cursing the world when I woke up this morning because of being so tired, this weekend was exceptionally tiresome, spent the day at the hospital on Friday and started my double shifts again on Saturdays, but after reading this I have come to be grateful that we have such wonderful hospitals that fixed my mom and that I have a job when most Americans do not today! Thank you for the eye opener today, it was well needed.
It is nice to have a reminder about things, some times.
What a great post. There's a lot of wisdom there!
Just stopped by from SITS to say hi; hope you'll do the same!
What a beautiful, excellent post. Found you through SITS, think I'd enjoy following your wisdom and thoughts....
Great post, excellent message. I can't hang with the idea of not getting first pick of the doughnuts however. If I get to the break-room too late all that's left are those nasty spoogey cream things.
When will they create insoles for the barefoot?
I volunteer in an emergency room and am reminded constantly how wonderful life is when I'm just having an ordinary day. Beautiful post.
Terrific post. A reminder like this is perfect!
You have a great way with words.
Thank you for the comment and message of support, tattytiara! I dedicate my most recent poem to your painting on the sidebar, there. Cool pic!
Ah, normalcy. Nobody writes poems about that. Hardly anybody, anyway.
What a beautiful post.
That was so cool, dogimo - thank you!
Best post I've read in ages. Thank you.
One of those things I guess...You never appreciate something until after its messed up...so yeah the ordinary doesnt get much applause..... :)
Excellent post. Not taking things for granted is definitely the best way to go on a daily basis.
What a beautifully written piece. I'm here via Ann's Rants, but I'll be back all on my own. - Jayne
I totally agree.... I always realize how good regular days are when I feel under the weather, or horrible! Have to start appreciating everyday!
Cooo have you got a camera in my house? Almost every night I fall out of bed just as I'm about to drop off to sleep to let the damned dog out! Mind you can't have, otherwise you'd know that I didn't wear pjs!!!
Great post!
What an exceptional caption of ordinary.
You absolutely made it shine!!!!
i should remember this but i am far too busy b*tching about inconsequential nonsense to remember to be like that
thanks for visiting me over at that crib and i hope you'll be back real soon
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