Scale of one to ten, how badly do I want pizza?
1 - eh, pizza, oatmeal, what's the difference?
2 - they aren't giving me one free, they're charging me for two no matter how many I order!
3 - if I pour ketchup on my mac n cheese and throw some bologna on top it'll be like a pepperoni pizza I can eat with a spoon! Kind of!
4 - not sure I'm down with the whole putting on pants to open the door thing.
5 - pizza's always good. Because it's pizza.
6 - pardon me, I don't usually drool. You were saying something about pizza?
7 - I can probably find enough change in the couch to pay for it
8 - I can probably find enough change in the neighbor's couch to pay for it - you distract them.
9 - would it be less creepy to run out and meet the delivery person at their car if I'm not cry-laughing and screaming "Thank You!" when I do it?
10 - not having pizza isn't a real option, is it?
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- tattytiara
- Alberta, Canada
- Quality blog entertainments delivered in a convenient, electronic format, and widely read by the sexiest, most intelligent, and wittiest people on the internet - all of whom practice exemplary personal hygiene.
You could try making your own....?
Sounds like we need to write an aria for that:
Signora, la pizza รจ qui.
You want some? We have some leftover from J's party last Saturday! ;p
When you have enough pizza from the gang of commenters who are sure to send you lots - please send some on to me too :) Thanks
Ahhh! Pizza cravings. I recognize the symptoms. I have no cure.
Pizza - homemade is the best with a lot of fillings....I mean a lot! :)
oooh i love pizza! xo
I had this horrible dream that a gang of zombie pizzas was coming to get me. I was boarding up the windows and doors, and loading my shotgun. I could see a bunch of melted cheese oozing in through the cracks in the door jamb. And the pepperonis were trying to pry the boards off the windows. And I saw on the news how the zombie pizzas were forcing themselves down people's mouths until they exploded. Fortunately, the door bell rang, and woke me up. It was the pizza delivery guy. Unfortunately, I shot him. My lawyer says I should plea self defense. It's like my mother in the asylum told me. "Just because you like pizza, doesn't mean they're not really out to get you."
Pizza! In! Space!
hahah i love pizza
oh dear you do have it bad.
It's ALWAYS WORTH the trouble.
It’s the king of the culinary kingdom, housing all seven food groups in one delicious package: Dough, Sauce, Pepperoni, Fire, Crispy, Cheesy and Grease.
Taken from:
Substitute the word pizza with chocolate and I'm interested;-)
Well....except I don't want balogna and ketchup on my chocolate, but I will eat it with a spoon.
my son dreams of creating pepperoni flavored ice he settles for a pepperoni on top of his...yeah we got it bad...
Do yourself a favour Sweetie, get the pizza.
- Jazz
Homemade pizzas are the best! Hmmmmm...I have some full milk mozzerlla and some ground pork for creating Italian sausage...and flour and yeast for the crust...OMG I have purple onions and red bell peppers...and sauce--Why Yes I do have the ingredients for sauce! I think we're going to have pizza tonight!
Love #9. It would be awesome fun to do that to the delivery person. Yes, a little creepy, but still fun.
I absolutely adore pizza! Pepperoni with mushrooms!
Don't hate me....but yeah I hate pizza...
One very important suggestion you left out...
I could get my pizza for free if I answered the door topless!!
#3 sounds like the pizza I ate in Mexico.
I've never needed an excuse to eat pizza. Has been a Favorite since childhood.
NOBODY delivers here.
I was thinking thoughts like this last night but not putting on pants won out. Toast. I ate toast but I made believe it was pizza.
I think if they tried hard enough, pizza could be declared the most perfect food - containing all food groups at once!
Anyone who take away my pizza, he meet very sticky end. He finish up in ze concrete under ze Milan to Naples Autostrada.
Oh save a slice for me, please. I'll have it when I'm done laughing.
It only gets worse with age. Trust me.
Love pizza. Discovered the crack cocaine of pizza this past summer when I learned to do them on the grill.
#3... ewwww!
I LOVE pizza. It's like the 21st century "best thing" equivalent to sliced bread!
I'm kinda thinkin' it's a pizza night, thanks for the idea!!! :)
Here is the tip for the title: Pizza is ALWAYS an option ... and a good one. Long live pizza! I live for the days when I can convince the hubby to let me order pizza for dinner.
What is it about pizza that makes us turn into complete animals? I could eat pepperoni pizza every day for the rest of my life. God I love pizza.
Wait, what was your question again?
True story: the other day, at work, a very rude peacock snuck up and stole my slice of pizza when I wasn't looking. Then another peacock grabbed the first by the tail feathers, spun him around, and tried to grab the slice. Meanwhile a peahen watched and waited. When the second peacock distracted the first she ran up, grabbed it, and ate it. The only one who didn't get to taste even a crumb was me. -sigh-
My sister makes awesome home made pizza.
Me? I do not possess whatever magical pizza making gene she has.
My daughter does the Live-Ops for a living and she just signed on to take Pizza Hut orders. I told her I would be afraid it would just make me hungry!!!
I love my pizza!!!
Enjoy the day and may it be richly blessed!!!
I don't see where it's written that one has to be dressed in order to greet the pizza delivery boy...and pants? Fuhgettaboutit!
I mean, in the movies, the lady who answers the door is usually wearing something sexy and then she invites the pizza guy in and then...oh, wait, wrong movie.
I'd go with #10.
I love #9. And now I want a pizza.
With dedication like that, I'd go for broke and become a pizza delivery guy.. might as well get paid for your passion, right?
Didn't you get the memo? Not having pizza is NEVER an option!
Get a large with everything you like on only live once...
Of course, if you have my luck, a big boy kitty will sit on the pizza box staring you down until the thing is cold, then you won't want it anymore...
I never met a pizza I didn't like...and now I have to go get one.
I say flash your fabulous boobs and then you will never have to pay for pizza or at least that is what I do....Me love pizza
When I got home from work today, the offspring shuffled out of his room and gave me the "IknowyouaregoingtogoforthisifIsayitexactlytherightway" look.
And what he said was, "Pizza? Pepperoni?"
well, yeah
pizza's pretty good
I'm already running high on the calories today and now I've got pizza on the brain. My husband has Amy's frozen ones in the freezer. hmm. I wonder how many slices I can stop at?
Free pizza? I came by to leave a tip.
There really should be a pizza religion.
Great, now I want pizza TOO!!!
Pizza is The One True Food. There is no other. There can be only one.
Did you say Pizza????? I love pizza! Your blog is pretty cool too!
Oh Lordy. And we're having pizza tonight. I'm gonna die laughing when the delivery guy gets here... because everything you wrote is gonna be running through my mind :)
Okay, you always make me chuckle. Clever girl.
But today you've raised my eyebrows with your insane number of 54 comments. I'm sure it's not all tied in to how many blogs you visit--RIGHT?--so that means everyone has been needing a pizza craving scale.
It's worth it if the pizza deliverer's a dish good enough to eat too.
It's not a real option. My daughter gets those Book-It pizza vouchers from Pizza Hut. Had to go and use one of those tonight. I know. Poor me.
Do they have pizza on your planet?
If I send you some pizza will you write another post?!!
you had at me pizza.
Just give me canadian bacon and pineapple pizza and you'll be a friend for life. :)
I think you should start a company called "Creepzza".
What did you say?
No idea.
I'm now hungry for Pizza,...
Btw. they always try to give you 3 here when you order two and we have to argue that we really only want two ;)
When I lived in Japan, it was hard to order a pizza without it being covered in corn , tuna or a raw egg. I think in hindsight I should have learned the language.
Pizza is good no matter what and when! Especially if you manage to make the neighbours pay...
I love pizza. I think I'm an addict. Thanks for visiting my blog. Nice to virtually meet you.
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