This is one of those entries that you write when your boyfriend turns to you and says "you know you've been here a month?" and you realize that it's way too late to write an entry before two weeks go by and that you just damn well better slam something up there before you log in to discover you're down to just a handful of followers - someone who knows you personally and never reads your blog but added you on principle and a bunch of people who started the blogs that added you when they were drunk and then forgot all about them.
This is one of those entires where you list a million different things you were busy with, like moving in to your boyfriend's place temporarily with your three cats and two dogs (yes, even the incontinent one and to answer your next question both - the man's not only wonderfully crazy he's also extraordinarily generous), spending 12 - 17 hour days fixing up your thirty year old trailer to sell, listing your trailer for sale, *selling your thirty year old trailer after only four days for a very fair cash price and no conditions in a depressed market, and dry walling the house you're trying to move into. This is one of those entires where people leave comments like "wow, you've been busy!", and that helps you to feel justified for having been so negligent about blogging. That's one of the not so secret motives behind these entries.
*yes, it's also one of those entries where you subtly manage to work in a little bragging.
This is one of those entires that carry the responsibility of following up with a real entry instead of another litany of excuses as to why there hasn't been one for over a month, at least it is if you have any appreciation at all for the wonderful people who have hung in there and continued to follow you despite your extended absence.
On a related note, this is also happens to be one of those entries where you go
Thank you, guys, for peeking over the edge of the world occasionally after I dropped off of it. This is my most favorite place to hang by my fingernails ever.
6 hours ago
I've not blogged much either, so you are in good company. I'm happy the trailer was sold and I hope the drywall efforts go smoothly.
wow, you have been busy...that is what i am supposed to say right? smiles. congrats on 200 as well..smiles.
Wow you've been busy. Or where the he** have you been? Or... oh heck it sounds like things are going good for you, so brag a little, and glad to see a post from you. And congrats on 200 followers. In my dreams.... nah, I've never even dreamed of 200 followers.
Congrats on quick sale of your home. I hope the work on the new place goes smoothly. (Three cheers for wonderfully crazy, extraordinarily generous boyfriends.)
Good to know after all of that, you still have fingernails.
very, very well said/put.
I think we have all been there a time or two
congrats on the sale, best of luck with the new ventures!
Quite okay to hang by your fingernails, honey, just as long as they're properly manicured, varnished in a fashionable hue, not chipped or split, and with no residual filth from doing the weeding.
Your boyfriend sounds like a real sweetie.
I don't know that your excuses are good enough. Trailer sales people sell trailers all the time, and they still find time to blog.
I assume.
Anyway, I've missed your blog lately, so I look forward to having you back "for real"
Some advice maven once said, "Never explain, never apologize." But then, I doubt she had 200 blog followers at the end of the day.
wow, you have been busy... :)
Nice to have you back!
This is one of those comments where I say, "Oh, I missed you. I'm glad you were busy with wonderful stuff."
Wow! You've been busy! ;-)
Is that ALL you've been doing?!? :-)
posts full of not blogging excuses rock!!
Wow. You've been busy.
Thanks for giving me what I am to say in the comment. That has made it a lot easier for me.
And congratulations on your 200 followers. I for one was not drunk when I made my decision to follow you.
Well, how happy am I that you stopped my blog? You had me at the kitty pic!
Me too, people who know me never read my blog..well, they're not in my will, so there!
I am not either drunk when I come here, so shut up.
Hi Tatty, how exciting these changes must be for you! That's great! I hope it all keeps moving forward into many happy days!
Glad you're back! You are so much fun!
Any one of those things would make a post all by itself. Just remember, a blog is supposed to be fun, not a job or obligation. I think right now I'm trying to convince myself of that, as well.
Congrats on hitting the big 2-0-0!
You are a busy chick.... congrats and blessings on all the wonderful stuff going on... YAY!!!
Wow ... you've been busy!! : )
A boyfriend that lets you move in with an incontinent dog is a keeper I think!
I've been slowing down considerably on my personal blog ... I'm going through a dry spell but I have no real reason other than I'm just tired from being forced to do housework.
Well, I for one have missed you! But now that I know that you have some really good excuses I'm happy. Hope the tilt-a-whirl slows down soon so you can relax in your new home!
Hi tattytiara,
I've been thinking about blogging lately. It takes into account that you're healthy, have a computer, maybe a camera, are able to pay a monthly internet bill, have a steady place to live, and have time to dedicate. Not always easy to accomplish all at once! Congrats on the 200. I think that's an amazing accomplishment!
This is the kind of post that keeps us coming back for more, whenever. Enjoy life! 200 Hootie hoo!!!
I was going to add wow, you've been busy but see that many have got there before me so ....... grief, you seem to have had lots to do. Good to have you back with us, well done on those 200 followers.
Summer seems to be downtime for blogs so you're forgiven for slacking off. ;)
(My word verification is ~ headmeat. LOL!)
So everyone has said what they were meant to say. I say, i bet you were out partying with your new found loot, weren't you? just admit it.
Congrats on the followers.
Dont' worry about the excuses. It's effin life, man. Write when you can and we'll be peeking.
You sound like you've got yourself a good man. Congratulations and congratulations on the big 200. That's stellar.
Woo hoo indeed!
Well, yay for you!
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