My little darling has discovered his superpower. He can walk through screen windows! No wait, scratch that - I don't think it counts as a superpower unless you leave the screen intact.
Which he does definitely not.

Four in a week he's gone through.
Thanks to the brain trust that is the Etsy forums (thousands of DIY babes at your disposal 24/7 - a highly recommended resource! It should be noted, however, that a large percentage of them are, at any given time, very merrily tipsy. This has only a nominal effect on their intellectual prowess, but be forewarned that any topic of conversation can quickly and without warning lose it's PG rating) I have learned how to DIMyself and repair this damage. I was even tipped off to the existence of Pet Resistant screening which, by god, seems to be resisting my pet!
I've got two windows done so far and today borrowed a ladder from my costume department at work to do the rest. The owner's out of town so I had to borrow it without permission. Would I get it if I asked? Of course! Would he look at me like I was silly for even feeling the need to ask? Definitely!
Do I feel guilty for taking it without permission?
I'm such a dork. Does anyone else ever feel like a thief when they take things that they have standing permission to borrow just because they didn't happen to get specific permission one specific time?
I blame the mean woman at Economy Drugs growing up. The moment you were out of her sight she'd come charging out from behind the counter to find and confront you.
"Are you stealing?"
No ma'am. Just setting fires. I paid for the matches, though. Want to see my receipt?
That old gestapo trained till tyrant gave me a complex, man.
Here's the latest new listing - another ready to hang/cheap to ship original painting on canvas board:

Go here for the listing, or check out the whole shop (recommended!) here: www.tattytiara.etsy.com
Thanks for stopping by and please and by all means say hello so I know you were here and can check out your blog too!
Oh my what a sneaky little critter! Persistent too!
He is indeed. He also has a secret route through the cupboards to an opening (I think) through dryer vent. Every time I block him he invents a new escape plan. I should rename him Papillion!
*Humming the music from the Great Escape* my kids like to try to escape too. Not much difference between fur kids and our offspring, is there? They are all determined little blighters! I admire your resourcefulness with the screens. Great job!
xx Sam
I guess anything with a mind of it's own will assert some form of independence at some point or another, Sam, indeed!
*waves* :)
love your new painting. well, I don't know how you will contain that escape artist of yours...keep at it! :)
Larry! Dude! Hello!
Thanks Alicia, I will. I guess we'll just have to wait and see which one of us drops from exhaustion first!
Isn't it funny how things stick with you from when you're a kid.... my brother to this day keeps his hands in his pockets when he's in a store, because he doesn't want people to think he's stealing! And he's 43!!!
Good thing you can fix your window from your superpower cat!! He's precious though!!
OMG, I hope my kitty never figures out how to do that!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
aahh, freedom, says the kitty!
glad to hear you found a solution for your little escape artist. i'm so glad my cats don't do that! though i feel by saying that they might feel challenged...
uh oh....that definitely is not good.
At least now you know how to fix the problem. Better now, than before he really runs off. (Heaven forbid!)
Entertaining post to say the least, that darn cat ! Much more fun than someone losing their head in a bus.
I recently re-screened my whole place early this year. Not so much to prevent escapes, but because they were decades old and needed it. You'll be surprised at how clean the windows seem to be afterward!
I'm glad Andy didn't decide to go exploring - wouldn't want another cat search like you had with Mitzi happening.
Andy was gone for two days the first time he got out. He's young and fit. I wasn't worried.
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