This is so silly! I can't believe how long it's taking me to update my blog these days! I mean it's not like it's hard to do or anything. Just sit down, start typing, and
Okay well let me start over for a sec. I guess I should include some kind of back story as to what I've been doing instead of blogging. The whole second job thing and everything. Well not a whole back story, just maybe a mention so that the post has some kind of context. Yeah I dunno. I mean if I'm not going to really tell it why even talk about it?
Never mind never mind never mind forget I said that. Besides that's kind of typical to even address how long it's been. Haven't I already done that before?
Actually, this whole public self analysis thing right here, I've kinda done this a few times already I'm sure. Not to mention the whole trying to find a fresh angle to parody the self aware gee it's been awhile since I've blogged post. I mean come on, people either already know it's been awhile since I posted and don't need to be told or they don't know and don't care and either way can this be less inspired?
"Can this be less inspired"? Did I really just plug into that ancient comedy template? Why am I even bothering to write if I'm going to be that unoriginal?
Look, I'm clearly over thinking this. This was supposed to be fun. Easy even. Just write what's on the top of my head and hit publish post. Why am I second guessing everything I write? Do I think it's clever to externalize my inner dialogue like this?
Apparently so.
4 hours ago
What ever works for you.
smiles....good to see you...regardless....
I noticed! I also noticed that it's hard to hit publish sometimes. Especially when two jobs are going on. Or more. Because it's never JUST two jobs. There's also the pet care job, and the running errands job, and the keeping up with stuff on the internets job. Regardless, yay blog post!
I find even your desultory posts rather charming.
You can say Hey-I'm-still-alive however you like.
Sounds good to me! Nice to see ya!
Okay, you may actually be crazy, but still,you have me laughing. And really, isn't making me happy the most important thing?
Your Friend, m.
There appears to be a case of blogger fatigue going around. Good to see you.
Captcha: Religious trfequ
Sometimes the titles, the posts and even the comments just write themselves. Other times, not so much.
I'll take whatever you're willing to give us!
yes clever
Whatever, it's great to see you! :o) x
Had to blink twice like why isn't this feed at the bottom as usual..could it be she has actually updated..could it? yes she has.
You've been missed Tattytiara. and you don't have to make excuses. We understand. Happy new year!
Oh, you always make me laugh!
As writers, we always question everything we write. And then we hit publish and hope we've fooled them again. ;)
I've missed you. And you...and you....and you. Whichever inner voice this is, welcome back.
Hey sweetie, it's great to see ya out and about again.
Yes, we noticed you were missin' in action and you WERE missed.
God bless and have yourself an amazin' day sweeite!!! :o)
Just glad to see you here. Just write when you can. Sometimes ideas come and sometimes not. I am glad you posted and yay blog post too. hugs.
Welcome back, miss thang.
How is it 19 comments later and I'm just getting here.
Awwww, I've sure missed you, girl - welcome baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! (Smooches)
I've had long chunks of time where I didn't blog much, either. Sometimes inspiration just goes poof for a bit.
Glad to see you back. I often don't have anything to say - and then I just say it.
it's always original over here! but if you want to write about what's on top of your head perhaps you should change from the tiara to one of those swanky fascinator thingies, with feathers of course.
That was your inner dialogue externalised? Presumably by externalising it another dialogue replaced it within. With a bit of luck you'll get trapped in a vicious cycle of inner dialogue externalisation that will eventually take over the world.
Waiting to see what you do after another hiatus... when you will and if you will, as the perfect husband said.
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