Sunday, April 25, 2010

It would be cool if this was my forty second title, but it's not.

So I'm watching this old Art: 21 dvd featuring Josiah Mc Elheny and his reflective sculptures and he's talking about narcissism, right? And okay that's fine. I have my quota of anti-narcissism conditioning. I know it's wrong and bad and being humble is a virtue and all that stuff. I don't know if I believe it, but I know it. Well c'mon, how many humble people you know drive a nicer car than Kanye?

Anyway I'm thinking about the basic concept of narcissism, and that think winds up thrown on the same thought pile as all that crap I keep over thinking about who are we and why are we all here and what's the meaning of life and all that because boy oh boy, I figure that out I'll probably get a book deal at least, maybe even an action figure. No, it's not something I want to spend a lot of time thinking about, but I do, because brains don't like dead ends. They just keep backing up, flooring it, and plowing back into them. Sometimes for funsies they'll circle the block and bounce off the back side a few times, but deep down inside they know it's the same wall.

So by this point science and theology tend to agree more often than not that everything is everything. Ain't no end to me, ain't no beginning to you. It's all energy, and it all runs on intelligence, and it's all the same intelligence, and we can't find the beginnings or ends of that intelligence. It's everywhere we look, it always has been, and we can't think of anywhere else it might possibly go. Whether that means your god or gods have made you in his her or their image/s or you take a just the facts ma'am approach, most people are saying basically the same thing there, and wondering how it could possibly be that they're an intrinsic, indivisible part of so many people who drive like such freakin' idiots and don't even have the brains to signal.

So out of this bubbling puddle of everything all at once comes the idea that consciousness is the everything that is everything's method of becoming self aware. So if we're not narcissistic, maybe we fail at being the universe. Maybe if we didn't spend our lifetimes obsessing over ourselves, we would completely defeat the purpose of our even existing.

And that is why it's okay that I just spent fifty dollars on eye shadow.

Thank you and goodnight.


Jocelyn said...

Given the depth of your philosophizing, I'm just sorry you didn't spend $60.

Unknown said...

Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! I would never presume to question your purchase!
That was awesome!

Jen said...

Narcissism goes beyond liking yourself. It's not caring about anything other than, "How does this affect me?" You can and should be proud of your achievements and you deserve that eyeshadow. You earned the money...spend it as you see fit.

nick said...

Narcissism? Didn't somebody else invent that concept? In which case, I refuse to think about it because all I'm interested in is ME ME ME.

And because everything is everything, it is ultimately No-thing, as any Buddhist knows.

And I wouldn't have any respect for a philosopher who couldn't afford decent eye shadow.

Tabor said...

Love is a good chunk narcissistic. We love because we want love in return...because it makes us feel good. So why such expensive eyeshadow? Does it have gold leaf?

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Hear, Hear Jen, you took the words right out of my mouth.

Brian Miller said...

$50 on eye shadow...oh my.

Cindy said...

I had good eye shadow once...loved it, it would stay on all your post today, although I may need to get a coffee and reread it when I am a little more alert. have a great day.

Vicki Lane said...

Fun writing!

A good philosopher can justify anything ...

mo.stoneskin said...

I'm not sure if I agree with you.

About the eye-shadow I mean. If my wife spent $50 on eye-shadow (and told me) I expect it would lead to the end of my intelligence.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You kill me! I knew when I saw Kanye's name that you would have something very deep and special to share!

Buy the eyeshadow and don't look back.

Thank you and good night!

Liz Mays said...

That ending just about cracked me up completely! So unexpected. LMAO!!!

Buckeroomama said...

Aaaah, that's the best rationalization for buying eyeshadow. Ever.

Raelene said...

I hope it's amazing eyeshadow!!!!! Now go make yourself a root beer float and love it!! :D

mythopolis said...

Whoa! Back up a minute.....I thought eye shadow was some kind of hat with a brim, and that mariachi charro sombreros were all the rage! The way I look at it, the future of religion is personal mythology by the process of distillation. I think I think, therefore, I think I am?

Lady Fi said...

Very funny... hope the eye shadow is worth it!

BLOGitse said...

Now we all want to see your expensively no, sorry! beautifully eye shadowed eyes!


buffalodick said...

As you get older, you just don't give a shit about that stuff as much.. When older, you aren't worried about the color of your underwear, you worry about skid marks..

Sarah said...

You know, if you're going to write about me, you could at least mention how beautiful and brilliant I am.

Rebecca said...

I used to spend extra money on pricey make up, but now, I just buy the cheap stuff....when you look as terrible (or fabulous you decide) as I do, it doesn't really matter what I do to my face........

Deanna said...

Do they really make $50 eyeshadow? I need to work on this narcissim stuff. It appears to have great benefits.

Claudya Martinez said...

I'm gonna go look in the mirror now.

Curiosity said...

I would totally purchase your action figure.

...Or mine.

Damn it, now you've got me in action figure crisis.

secret agent woman said...

After that amazing justification, you totally deserve the eyeshadow.

Carma Sez said...

I like the way you think! Genius conclusion :D

Martha said...

Excellent reasons to justify buying $50 eye shadow if you ask me ;-)

Michelle said...

I don't think you need reasons for eyeshadow, blush on the other hand... well, it's best to not even get into it, agreed?

Jenners said...

I would subscribe to this religion ... it is just zany enough and true enough to be able to buy into. It does boggle the mind that we're all the part of the Big Thing That Is All ... but yes, why are the crappy drivers there too????

Anonymous said...

$50 on eyeshadow! Ive spent $35 on blush. and it was soooooo worth it!

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

That completely baked my noodle.

Kitty Moore said...

Wonderfully justified!

Slamdunk said...

Wow, your last line was a touchdown--way to build and finish.

linlah said...

Would that be the La Brea bubbling puddle?

RA said...

What a climax at the end of your philosophical post. Now, may I borrow your eyeshadow ;)? Have a wonderful week.

Traci said...

I use eyeshadow therefore I am. I have never heard a better, more detailed, philosophical argument for the value of eyeshadow! Can I show this to my husband?
Have a great weekend!

TheFrogBag said...

Hmm... I recently read that some physicists think that the entire universe in located inside a black hole. Which just might relate to another idea: that the universe is a hologram. So my rationalization is similar: if none of it's real anyway, why not look your best?

That said, I'm dying to know what shade of eyeshadow you purchased!

Jason, as himself said...

Whoa. That was a lot of deep thought about eye shadow!

Just telling it like it is said...

I', thinking I should have you along when I shop...

Raelene said...

I left an award for you on my blog :)

blognut said...

There is no price too high for a proper eye shadow.

Megan said...

Zomg twist ending! Love it!

Erika said...

Gotta love it when someone can rationalize a purchase as well I can.

Shrinky said...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, I never saw that one coming! Soooo, in a weird kind of way, your spending $50 on eyeshaddow is kinda' helping to save the universe, right?

I had two Jehovah's Witnesses call today, I was in the middle of scubbing the loo before the posh mother of my daughter's friend arrived, my hair was still a haystack, I didn't have a scap of make-up on yet, and they were due here in fifteen mins. I DID NOT need to discuss God on the doorstep, okay? So I smile sweetly and tell them I'm an aethiest, but that I happen to know my neighbour is church shopping this week, and I can see her car in the drive..

As I close the door, my thirteen year old asks me what an Aethiest (I had no idea she was behind me). Yeah, by the time we dealt with that can of worms, the posh mum arrived to find the haystack lady still with her half scrubbed loo - so much for me saving time - gahhhhh..!

injaynesworld said...

"... because brains don't like dead ends."

I think I love you.

Mrsbear said...

Of course! Everything makes sense now. And on the plus side, your eyes looking fabulous brings a certain peace to my existence. ;)

MrsBlogAlot said...

You just validated and made my day!!!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Girl that's the deepest post I've ever read to justify $50.oo eyeshadow. Heeehehe...what a girl has to do! You crack me up...thanks for the good laugh1

God bless and enjoy this beautiful day!!!

dogimo said...

Narcissism, heck! There is no self-awareness except individuality. The purpose of the universe was to bring forth you.

Well. You and a select few gajillion others.

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Alberta, Canada
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